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Friday, January 17, 2014

Wajah Tentara Sebelum, Saat, dan Setelah Berperang

Seorang Fotografer bernama Lalage Snow, yang saat ini berbasis di Kabul, Afghanistan, memulai sebuah proyek selama 8 bulan berjudul "We Are The Not Dead". Proyek tersebut menapilkan wajah-wajah tentara Inggris sebelum, selama, dan setelah aktivitas militer di Afghanistan. Snow menangkap ekspresi Innocent dari tentara-tentara ini dapat berubah selama mereka perang. wajah mereka berubah menjadi kurus, cemberut dan lebih tajam parasnya dalam waktu kurang dari setahun di Afghanistan.

Snow says: ""It was a very personal project and stemmed from having embedded with the military on and off for 4 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and bearing witness to how many young men return as shadows of their former selves and, in many cases, with deep, psychological scars. As the body count of British servicemen killed or wounded rose and the political ramifications of the British army’s presence in Afghanistan became increasingly convoluted, more and more soldiers felt like they didn’t have a voice, or at least, weren’t being listened to. We Are The Not Dead is an attempt at giving the brave young men and women the chance to explain how it really is."

Ben Frater

Kopral. Steven Gibson

Becky Hitchcock

Michael Swan



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